-Polypropylene (PP) / HDPE
-Uniform wall thickness without wall hanging
-Designed to be leak-proof
-Free of DNase, RNase, protease and exogenous DNA/RNA, free of pyrogen
-Sterilized by electron beam irradiation
-Autoclaved, resistant to high temperature 121℃
The reagent bottles made of polypropylene (PP) material and HDPE, resistant to high-temperature 121℃, autoclaved, translucent bottle. 100,000-class purification workshop production environment production, multiple quality system certification to ensure no DNase/RNase, no heat source, no endotoxin, sterilization of plastic bottles using gamma sterilization, open and use, greatly improving user packaging efficiency. World-advanced molding technology and manufacturing equipment ensure reagent bottles have more uniform wall thickness, high quality walls, robust construction making the bottles suitable for any laboratory application and effective in preventing breakage or punctures, and a flatter bottom, which is designed to facilitate smooth operation on the filling line.
Contact: JYBIO
Phone: +86 158 7998 2901
Tel: 028-87033305
Email: info@jybioscience.com
Add: 10th Floor,Buiilding 1, No.68 Julong Road,Wuhou District Chengdu,Sichuan,CN
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